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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Barleycove Beach, a treasure

Barleycove Beach, a beautiful site in southwest Cork, Ireland Posted by Hello

Rustically situated on the peninsula west of Schull, Barleycove Beach continues to seduce visitors into resting upon its welcoming sands. You will likely find it surprisingly uncrowded considering its astounding beauty. Fortunately, its fine sand and gentle currents make it a safe place for children; the tiny streams emptying out into the sea will keep them busy for hours. Campsites and bicycle hire facilities are also available nearby.Open Hours: Open all year
Barleycove is a large sand beach backed by sand dunes. the sand dunes were thrown up in the tidal wave which swept Europe after the earthquake in Lisbon 1n 1755. Today the dunes have been partially eroded but are protected like much of the coastal area round this area as European designated Special Areas of Conservation. The road goes to the east of the beach across a causeway bisecting Lissagriffin Lakes and at the t -junction you turn left to Mizen Head.
On our tour of Ireland in 2002, we spent a day visiting southwest Cork. So many of these places form part of the Harrigan family history. Barleycove Beach is on the road to Mizen Head, the tip of southwestern Ireland, "any farther south and you'd be in the water", I was told.


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